Monday, November 22, 2010

Problems of the Planet
The World’s Biggest Problems portal has a simple, clear mission educating people all around the world about the biggest problems facing humanity. These problems have two criteria, they must be global in scope, and have the potential to rapidly escalate into severe crises.

World's first problem is pollution of the air, the water, the soil
. These most dangerous problem is water's pollution. World's water's province finished when human and world's alive everything perished. Water essential ingredient for life on this planet is becoming an increasingly scarce resource. According to the World Bank and World Health Organization, 2 billion people lack access to clean water and 1 billion people do not have enough to even meet their daily needs.Every day an increasing amount of pollution seeps into rivers and lakes making them toxic to humans, and underground aquifers – our most significant sources of water – are being depleted at an alarming rate.By 2050 the number of people on the planet is projected to exceed 9 billion, and if current trends continue more and more useable water will be lost. Making an adequate supply of water available to everyone alive today is a monumental task, and ensuring that there is enough water for all future generations will require an unprecedented level of international cooperation and compassion…In the amazing world of animals, many creatures are so reclusive or number so few that human eyes rarely see them. If not by accidentally stumbling upon these rarely viewed animals, humans would not even know they exist.

And onething, the world's animals are scarcitying
today. In Mongolia, Gobi bears are extremely rare and understudied, with a population of only 50 remaining. According to a comparative survey on breeding of Gobi bear, the male begins to breed from five years and the female starts from four years. An observation was undertaken into Gobi bears' locations such as the Khukh Ders, Khatuu Bulag, Allan Tevsh, Suuj Bulag, Mukhar Zadgai, Tsagaan Burgas, Khushoot and Sharkhuls oasis. As a result of the observation, new footprints of the Gobi bear were revealed at the source of Khajuu Bulag (spring) of the Segs Tsagaan Bogd Mountain, as well as a photo and video recording of a fully grown Gobi bear, which was eating fodder. Also new footprints of one or two gobi bears at the Tsagaan Tohoi fodder point and near the spring Khajuu Bulag were measured and recorded. Animals disappered when world's balance is pierced.
And, Mongolian most important problems air pollution. In winter, some people are burning firewood as soon as they approve fumes. These fumes refine mode our government members don't know. So, our country breath fumes while mongolian people are begrudging right now.
Etc many problems are in the world. These problems clean when every people need participation.

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